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      Would you rather...

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      Would you rather...

      23% lead a boring life from here forward

      77% reborn with all your memories into a baby of the opposite sex.

      Would you rather...

      256,279 agree
      Lead a boring life from here forward
      867,254 disagree
      Reborn with all your memories into a baby of the opposite sex.

      Would You Rather

      added by João Gabriel Olivei
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      • 426

        Rof1 Waffl3

        7 years ago

        it might be fun to be a girl sometimes...

        • 538

          Emma Gilroy

          7 years ago

          Yeah periods, pregnancy and being treated like a second class citizen are a fucking party!

        • 515


          7 years ago

          Gilroy you aren't treated like a second class citizen unless you are from Saudia Arabia or some shit like that. Stop making up a problem where there is none. There is no patriarchy, now go back into your hole feminazi.

        • 70

          Rof1 Waffl3

          7 years ago

          What's wring with saudi arabians? :(

        • 81


          7 years ago

          Yeah man, I'd totally want to try out being a chick.

        • 77


          7 years ago

          @Omni123, the fact that you think belittling someone constitutes a valid argument makes your argument, well, a lot less valid. I assume you're too entrenched in your position to rationally evaluate the situation, so I won't bother trying to actually talk about this with you. Though I will admit that it's very tempting to poke the snake and ask whether your views on racism are similar, but that's another conversation I suspect would end in nothing but frustration.

        • 90


          7 years ago

          @Emma: You know pregnancy can be avoided right? And if your period is that bad just take birth control. And women are rarely treated as second class citizens unless you live in a second world country.

        • 121

          Zachariah Valentine

          7 years ago

          Women are treated as second class citizens. If they weren't, explain as to how rape is ignored, overlooked, etc. and pinned on the victim. Explain why so few people in power are women, explain why women are more often abused, explain why it's okay for women to be more like men but not men more like women. If women are lesbians, that's okay, but if men are gay, that's unacceptable, because men need to retain their "masculinity" which is essentially control and power, and since homosexuality in men is stereotyped as feminine, it's a "shame." Men are dominant in this society and if you try to argue that you're blatantly wrong. Pregnancy can be avoided in some cases, but what if you can't take birth control? What if your religion prohibits contraception? What if you can't afford these things? It's left to the man (I would say partner but seeing as how only people with penises can leave semen it's easier to say "men") to be responsible and provide contraception. However, men are given so much privilege that it's not even associated with them, the responsibility. And oftentimes, in cases of rape, it gets wavered off as consented sex despite the victim claiming in honest truths that it was not, because "everyone likes men and it was the heat of the moment, she wanted it." TLDR, you're wrong.

        • 50


          7 years ago

          Are you kidding me Omni? You short sightedness and ignorance are major contributors to the human races inability to progress at a decent rate.

        • 52

          Callan Steffensen

          7 years ago

          To all the feminists here; You have higher authority over any man with the same standings as men. Also rape isn't 'overlooked' I see cases of rape everyday and police trying to help them (Newspapers). Men have evolved from trying to protect women leading to men being told to be more masculine and stronger.

        • 37

          Big Joe

          7 years ago

          I just want to see what sex is like for a girl

        • 59


          7 years ago

          I just want to put stuff in my vagina

        • 28


          7 years ago

          zach. you cant cherry pick. a FEW instances (in comparison to population) dont make it an absolute. i have never seen women treated as second class. in fact i see them get hired or promoted just cause they are women instead of more abeled people. maybe 30 years ago or in a few red states or third world contriesn but not as a whole in the civilized world

        • 63


          7 years ago

          @Zach You are somewhat misinformed. Let's go through your posits.1. explain as to how rape is ignored, overlooked, etc. and pinned on the victimIf you are talking about women being raped you haven't done much research, even just keeping up to date with the news would show you that something as unsupported as the *claim* that a man is a rapist can severely hinder his social success, if not his financial one too. The power of the accusation of rape is incredibly strong in our society today, which is why it is often used for blackmail etc. Consider this www.theforensicexaminer.c...ring09/15/Also consider the after-care for rape victims, male rape victims whilst there are 'houses' for them to go to, do not receive any help from the government, not do the houses receive government funding like the female rape homes.2. There are few women in powerBecause they a) were not better than their competition or b) they didn't want to put in the effort. To say that women have no power however is unwise. Take the saying that "Behind every great man is a woman" Just because they do not have public power does not mean they are not *in* power, just take a look at the legislation regarding familial rights, and how things are often split unfairly in divorce (personally I care more about fair sharing of the children). If it were truly a patriarchy the system would serve men above women in as may instances as possible.3. women are more often abusedThis is such rubbish. Have you looked at the actual statistics? Male abusers are a stereotype, the media chooses, as do many people, to misrepresent or ignore facts. In fact male abuse victims get nowhere near the support and success rate as women do. www.guardian.co.uk/societ...c-violence4. Why is it okay for women to dress like men?This is highly cultural to begin with, but presuming we're discussing western culture it is all to do with identity. males are taught from a very young age what they are supposed to be, and that is masculine. Being masculine involves not wearing certain things etc etc. If a man dresses like the women it reduces his perceived masculinity, which is 'not good'. A woman dressing like a man does not necessarily make a woman more manly, as there is no social stigma or pressure attached to it.5. If women are lesbians, that's okay, but if men are gay, that's unacceptable.This is solely down to the culture again, there are many more accepting cultures out there (if you take social anthropolgy you may learn of them) that have many more genders than we do (e.g the Bulgis of indonesia have 5). The reason it is, as you call it, a "shame", is primarily down to the societal identities and roles expected to be played. Though I wonder if you are actually at all right in saying there is a particular stigma against male homosexuals as opposed to homosexuality in general, certainly homosexuality now is much less of a negative than it used to be seen as.I would suggest that it is more down to the expected emotions men are supposed to show and hide. Men are not supposed to be lovey-dovey or gooey as it were, and so seeing to men together like that is perhaps shocking and goes against expectations of restraint as opposed to women who have always been the more emotional (certainly portrayed as) of the two genders.6. On contraception and pregancyIf you can't take birth control (or don't want to) use a contraceptive. If your religion prevents you this is not the male populations fault, you should ignore that teaching (god won't smite you down, promise) if you really can't afford contraceptive don't have penetrative sex, there are other ways of being sexually satisfied. You're right it is left to the man to provide contraception as regard condoms, but that's because it's the only cheap easy non-chemical contraceptive out there. Femdoms exist too btw. Honestly I don't see your point about males haveing more responsibility fruthering your argument though...7. Your last point is basically saying men are dominant overall.Perhaps, but wouldn't you say this is due to history? They are after all the ones who can be *forced* to fight in wars to defend the country, and if they refuse they can be shot by the state. But really this is your worst point yet. Men have ALL the responsibility due to them being the ones who shaped the countries! They fought and died to expand borders and defend the country on massive scales (World Wars, but all through history) not only this, they were expected to provide for the household from the start of society in the western culture. Look at John Tosh on the Victorian man (To reach the fullest manliness one must have and support well a family, and have a respectable job). Look at how men are constantly stereotyped as abusers (those silhouette posters showing a male being the abusive one) as uncaring (women are said to be innately better parents) as thuggish and unrefined. Look at the consequences for female rapists, yes they exist, that take advantage of school boys (they have 'affairs' with them, and get off with light sentences) compared with male rapists. Look at how there is so much more legislation to protect women from male rapists than vice versa as well as male on male rapists.I really advise you to do a lot of reading around this, look at unbiased statistics and the actual reality of the situation. Men are not so privileged as you think.

        • 18


          7 years ago

          It might be fun being a guy sometimes...

        • 79

          Franklin Chen

          7 years ago

          So much time was spent on some of these comments. jesus like a fucking essay

        • 7


          7 years ago

          I know because women get more rights than men in America

        • 10


          6 years ago

          Actually, one of the amendments to make women and man equal was not signed in the USA. So yes, men do get more rights than women in the USA and in most other countries. We shouldn't be fighting over it, but rather working together to make us equal. Don't you dare call me a feminist, because I am not one. I am simply stating facts. Honestly, many of the boys here are acting just like the girls only arguing for men. You shall be called masculinists, a word rarely used for some reason. Do you see how many more men are in power than women. A lot of the time, women aren't even educated. Getting back to the actual topic that is supposed to be talked about here. XD Wouldn't it just be fun to be born with all your memories into a new body? You could learn so many more things much easier and be a very advanced child! =D

        • 3


          6 years ago

          @omni123 you win the ignorant award of the yearyou do not know anything about saudi arabiaand you only look at the down sideswe treat women better than anybodywe drive for them , we work for them , we protect themwe dont just throw'em out in the streets to be eaten by wolvesim not saying we are the perfect people with perfect govermentactuelly the goverment is shit and its rules are shit but we are far better than most people

        • 23


          6 years ago

          Go fuck yourself with: "women are treated badly" they go to jail 30% shorter than men! When women complained about making sandwiches for men, men said: "ok we'll open fast food restaurants with immigrants that do the work for you!"and now they still complain about how rape is pined to victims?! In Saudi Arabia or other palaces in the second world women are treated worse! Can you imagine that? Now stop complaining it won't make it's better

        • 16


          6 years ago

          @katie: What? You mean women don't get to vote in the U.S.? And they have to sign up for the draft? Really? Also, with the whole 'women are uneducated,' look at some statistics for college rates (http://www.forbes.com/sites/ccap/2012/02/16/the-male-female-ratio-in-college/).

        • 10


          6 years ago

          Women are vastly favored in divorce settlements, I've heard so many stories about men getting completely stripped of everything they own by their 'loving wife'.Zach, you really need to quit being a white knight.

        • 2


          6 years ago

          @Emma Gilroy - your insurance rates start off lower, so stop all of that.

        • 12

          Hanji Zoe

          6 years ago

          Okay Omni123. First off, don't ever fucking say "feminazi" again. Second, only a woman as oppressed and unintelligent as you will ever love you, and third, you are so, so very wrong. Feminism isn't even about superiority of the female gender. It's EQUALITY. Feminists believe men are just as talented, witty, and independent as a woman is. There is no woman > man or man < woman in the term feminism. You can look that up. As to no patriarchy, I don't know where to start. I'll keep it short. Women are not paid the same amount men are the for SAME EXACT JOB, when a man is known to sleep with many women, he's looked at with good regards and respect, a women? She's a 'slut' and can't be trusted. When was the last time you saw a goddamn advertisement where the men were pretty much naked as the woman sported full clothing? Not to mention how people literally objectify the female gender as only put on this earth to 'please' men and it's shame on them if they're not perfect enough. We constantly struggle as a gender in this society because of close-minded fucks like you. Honestly, go ahead and call me a bitch, you know what that does for me? It proves mine and many other people who want equality of the genders' theory true, and it only further makes you a misogynistic bastard.

        • 2


          6 years ago

          Wait a month

        • 4


          6 years ago

          same it might be fun to be a boy lol

        • 9

          Cody Dudash

          6 years ago

          @Emma Gilroy Yeah, not having to pay for anything because guys are always buying you stuff, and constantly getting treated like royalty instead of being treated like shit like most men are. That sounds horrible.

        • 4

          Blake Woodward

          6 years ago

          Do people not realize that women's brains and men's brains function very differently from each other? Culture does have something to do with it, but culture evolved from the cerebral differences. Some differences are by choice.

        • 3


          6 years ago

          Have you ever thought of puberty! It sucks!

        • 10


          6 years ago

          Omni123, my ex boyfriend disagrees with that. he says that all women were made to have sex with men and do house chores and that we dont need to go to school or get jobs because men are "more qualified". Just because you don't see women being treated like second class citizens in places like america, doesn't mean it never happens

        • 0

          Bretton Johansen

          5 years ago

          I've always wondered

        • 2

          Pedro Grilo

          5 years ago

          ai crai everitaim

        • 6

          Devan Walker

          5 years ago


        • 16

          Jacob Dittmer

          5 years ago

          I'd be the smartest fucking baby EVER! I have all my memories

        • 0


          4 years ago

          Lol maybe

        • 12

          Soupah Mario

          4 years ago


        • 6


          4 years ago

          If I was a girl I would geta boobiesb better orgasumsc big assd of course I want to be a girl

        • 7


          4 years ago

          +Emma Gilroy Shut the F**K up. Women are NOT treated like second class citizens... f**king Cop-out

        • 6

          I am here

          4 years ago

          Who likes a boring life.

        • 0


          4 years ago

          you'd do really well in school......

        • 2

          Spooky Rabbit

          4 years ago

          I'm sort of wondering what it would be like to be a guy, i mean it would be akward and all but still!

        • 1


          4 years ago


        • 3

          Dani Graham

          4 years ago

          I would never want to be a guy

        • 2


          4 years ago

          I get to have an excuse to be a prick! Oh man, I'll only be a jerk for 30 days a month!

        • 7

          Greater Dog

          4 years ago

          @Cody Dudash Oh, that is SUCH bull and a stereotype. Myself, being a tomboy, am INCREDIBLY offended. Not all girls are LIKE that, Jesus. There's a little thing called: Bitches. The kind of girl you are talking abot is what we like to call a "Megabitch".

        • 3


          4 years ago

          yay i got tits

        • 1


          4 years ago

          Ok dint know there were so many trans gender people not that there is a problem with that i was just ... suprised

        • 1


          4 years ago

          but if u would khow that u were the oposite sex(boy) it would be F#&@ed up man

        • 2


          4 years ago

          Yes... Now i can shake those boobies myself!!!!!

        • 5


          4 years ago

          i wonder what being a girl would be like sometimes... DONT QUESTON ME

        • 2


          4 years ago

          y que me la metan, no gracias

        • 3


          4 years ago

          Emma, you're really weird if you enjoy second class status.

        • 6


          4 years ago

          @Emma Gilroy well be negative about it then, forget the good things about being a woman ._.

        • 1


          4 years ago

          id like to be a guy fuck yes

        • 1


          4 years ago

          @SongTron... quien dijo que no podias ser lesbiana... nunca lo pensaste idiota???

        • 2


          4 years ago

          I always wanted to be girl. It might be interesting to see lif as a female. Excluding periods. Bonus, I'm asexual. No sex for me.

        • 3


          4 years ago

          Yessss, i would be a hot lesbian girl. Problem solved

        • 2


          3 years ago

          This was so easy

        • 5

          The Delta Snivy

          3 years ago

          Pretty sure becoing aa girl is better than having a boring life, also i wouldnt really mind being a girl

        • 1


          3 years ago


        • 0


          3 years ago

          no you don't when you have your period it hurts like shit!

        • 2

          casey arnold

          3 years ago

          its not fun being a girl periods giving birth etc

        • 0

          mr poop man

          3 years ago

          yea sometimes

        • 0


          3 years ago

          Nahh i like being a girl

        • 1

          Kupa'a X Harmony

          3 years ago

          It might be fun to be a girl but what about my crush ;-; ;-; ;-; If i were a girl R.I.P. Harmony

        • 0


          3 years ago


        • 0


          3 years ago

          Why are you commenting on everything lol

        • 1


          3 years ago

          @Bethanyou kys feminazi inbound

        • 2


          3 years ago


        • 1


          3 years ago

          @Hanji Zoe The reason why some people decide to use the term "Feminazi" is because of a recent development in the Feminist movement where it is focusing on making women the same as men. A huge chunk of people that want the genders to be equal decide not to call themselves feminists because of this. (I don't mean that his use of feminazi was justified though)

        • 1


          3 years ago

          No being a GURL sucks it hurts

        • 0


          3 years ago


        • 1


          3 years ago

          Emily I won't make a dirty joke. By the way I would live a boring life because I can bring excitement into it.

        • 1


          3 years ago


        • 0


          3 years ago

          you all should be raped

        • 0

          Dogeseverywhere YOUTUBE

          3 years ago

          it might be fun...

        • 0


          3 years ago

          u do NOT wanna be a girl TRUST ME

        • 0


          3 years ago

          Omni, I'm a guy and I can say that women aren't treated fairly. Open your eyes and see the cruel truth.

        • 1


          3 years ago


        • 0


          3 years ago

          betathanyou how long did it take to type that comment

        • 1


          3 years ago

          Yeah It might be fun to be a boy and be gross -rolls eyes-

        • 1


          3 years ago

          i have boring life

        • 0

          Lyrica Prismriver

          3 years ago

          might beI want to try the receiving end tbh

        • 3


          3 years ago

          It might be fun to be a boy.

        • 1


          3 years ago

          as i read these comments.... WTF

        • 1

          Brandon johnson

          2 years ago

          God, it's like YouTube down here...

        • 0


          2 years ago


        • 3


          2 years ago

          I always wanted to be a girl so I would be accepted so...

        • 0

          Ask Master

          2 years ago


        • 0

          Eva Cressey

          2 years ago

          I am a girl, but I can pee stood up, just watch me

        • 2


          2 years ago

          Lol, okay. You say that rape is overlooked, and yes, it is. But not for women. If a woman says she's been raped, people do something about it. When I finally gained enough strength to say something about my abusive girlfriend, did anyone care? No. They either didn't believe me, or they told me I was weak or letting her do this to me. I spent 4 years in this relationship because nobody would help me. You have no idea how fucking painful the life of a male can be.

        • 0


          2 years ago


        • 0


          2 years ago

          @Zachariah Valentine You are absolutely correct

        • 1


          2 years ago

          Well that escalated quickly."I think being a girl would be pretty cool some times""PATRIARCHYYYYYYYYYYY"

        • 0


          2 years ago

          Periods, birth and getting treated like you're an animal is a great thing.

        • 1


          2 years ago

          The feminists are taking over

        • 2


          1 year ago

          I already want to be female! dream come true!

        • 1

          Cookie boi

          1 year ago


        • 0


          1 year ago

          ummm why is everyone arguing

        • 0


          1 year ago

          Look at all this feminism bullcrap in the comment thread. The cuckery astounds. The brainwashed individuals expressing their belief that women are treated as 2nd class citizens when it's the other way around and they are the beneficiary of societal gynocentrism across the board, literally in everything. But because there is such a huge gynocentric bias built into the standard human psyche, they can't even see it, because their very comprehension of what they observe is skewed by that bias. They see something skewed against men, and they interpret it as skewed against women. Literally to the extent that when someone says something misandric, you'll see those who think that the act of saying it demeans women instead of pointing out that it is directly against men. Literally to the point that in this sentence as I type it right now, "misogynistic" does not have a wavy red underline but the word "misandric" does. Our entire society is so skewed toward women that even the language database built into word processors pretends that sexism against men doesn't exist.Also, biologically at least, it would suck to be female. It wouldn't be worth it, even for the social and professional favoritism I would receive on all fronts. And so I picked lead a boring life. It's an easy choice. It's a mystery why most disagree with me. I guess they're perverts. Or maybe most of the individuals here on this website taking this test demographically are already female. Also I don't see why it's part of the question that I would switch sex. Just to be reincarnated. It's a needless distraction for the sexchange.

        • 1


          1 year ago

          Emma Gilroy stfu you sad feminist

      • 81

        Kristen Skelton

        7 years ago

        I can pee standing up and run around without a shirt?! I'm in.

        • 65


          7 years ago

          Well technically you can already do this.

        • 1


          4 years ago

          nope, it would be public nudity and you would get pis all over your pants if you were wearing them

        • 1


          4 years ago

          pee or piss?

        • 2


          1 year ago

          @william r/woooosh

      • 73


        7 years ago


        • 31


          7 years ago

          You sir, I like you.

        • 11


          7 years ago

          I feel you, i'm girl, if i was a guy i would be the same

        • 3


          4 years ago

          oh, so you'll be smarter as a girl? how sexist are you? I'm the smartest person in a few of my classes and I'm male.

        • 6


          4 years ago

          @icyfire the reason he said smarter was because all of his memories are put into a baby of the opposite gender. you took that way too incorrectly

        • 1


          4 years ago

          I'd say the smartest people I know are guys, then again I don't know many girls... :P

        • 1

          Mad Max

          3 years ago


        • 1


          3 years ago

          that's why so many lesbians in this world :/

        • 1


          2 years ago


        • 2

          Yeetsky boy

          2 years ago

          I think razor's on to something...

        • 0

          Alice Bergman

          6 months ago

          Wtf you're basically saying we women are sex slaves

        • 1


          5 months ago

          No Alice he is saying he is very horny and interested in how the female orgasm would feel.

        • 0


          4 months ago

          Yeah it’s crazy that despite the fact that the entire education system is designed in a way to favour the learning styles of female students and to serve their interests and be run to their benefit all the while mostly disregarding the interests and academic success of male students in the process causing females to get better grades in school on average than males and to have an easier time in school, many women still end up becoming complete degenerate prostitutes and strippers of which the only way they even get their money is by performing sexual acts for a living. Females are truly a messed up species.

      • 42

        Anthony Johnson

        7 years ago

        So boring, or lesbian?

        • 1


          4 years ago

          who said lesbian?its ur sex that decides oposite sex or the same sex.not ur mind

        • 7


          4 years ago

          @Yasin ???? He would have started as a guy (based on the name) and become a girl. So a straight guy turning into a girl but keeping the same mind would become a lesbian since they'd still be attracted to girls.

        • 1


          3 years ago

          you can still try tribbing

      • 39


        7 years ago

        I would be the smartest baby ever. Knowing how to read, write, talk, etc.

        • 18


          7 years ago

          Yea, Imagine finishing College/University at the age of 16 or even younger

        • 1


          2 years ago

          That's exactly what I thought

      • 36


        7 years ago

        I actually think about what this would be like all the time...how is this even a question?

        • 12

          Juan Ignacio Scopp

          7 years ago

          You can always get surgery ;)

        • 1


          4 years ago

          yeah bro just ask a doctor to make you a girl/boy

        • 3


          4 years ago

          Sex change technology is shit, especially female to male. You can't just get some surgeries to become the opposite sex. Closer to it, sure, but you mostly just end up in-between with genitals sort of like the opposite sex but lacking a lot of the same function & feeling.

        • 1

          Cookie boi

          1 year ago

          I wonder what it is like tho

      • 24


        7 years ago

        That'd be awesome. Farewell periods, make-up, bras and the pain of childbirth!

        • 26


          7 years ago

          Most of the things you mentioned are optional.

        • 6


          4 years ago

          hello more likely to be violently assaulted, less likely to get accepted to college, more manual labor, more likely to die at the work place and in general, and constantly being told you are a piece of shit for being male. The only thing you actually dont have a choice over is a period

        • 3


          3 years ago

          bras are SO optional

        • 3

          Yeetsky boy

          2 years ago

          Being male, I feel like a picked the right one, I don't want most of that shit. Now bewbs and decent hair length... That'd be interesting

      • 21


        7 years ago

        I'm transgendered so I would be greatful.

        • 4


          7 years ago


        • 7


          7 years ago

          What's the opposite of transgendered? no gender?

        • 5


          7 years ago

          cisgendered ^

        • 5


          4 years ago

          That would be a dream come true, then you won't have to be in emotional pain from not being who you truly are, plus you'll have your memories from this life and be happy with who you are. If i could i would, but sadly nothing after death is certain.

        • 0

          Yeetsky boy

          2 years ago

          Wait so if you are asexual, I guess you just get to pick, when you're reborn.

      • 15


        7 years ago

        I'm a baby with the memories of a 22 year old. That's like adding 22 years of learning to my life for free. Plus I get to experience being both genders. How in the world could you choose otherwise? The other option even implies that you will be bored no matter the circumstances.

        • 1


          6 years ago

          If everyone had only 80 years to live, then when I die I'll have 80 extra years.

      • 14


        7 years ago

        dude, that would be sweeeeet, a new gender to mess around with and you have forever to learn, a 1 day old that can do advanced math and juggling FTW

        • 2


          3 years ago

          I don't think a baby is physically capable of juggling, but you have a good point

        • 1

          Yeetsky boy

          2 years ago

          And I don't think I'm capable of doing advanced maths.

      • 12

        Joshua Nakhoul

        7 years ago

        lol, I don't care of I am the opposite sex, but it would be awesome if I could live my childhood again and have the memories from my other childhood. Also, I would be the smartest kid in town

      • 11


        7 years ago


        • 2


          4 years ago

          Really? That's your only reason for being a girl? I'd understand about the, you know More likely to survive being shot and higher pain tolerance and stuff? (Don't. It's a scientific fact.)

        • 1

          Yeetsky boy

          2 years ago

          Wait really, hot damn...

        • 1

          Alice Bergman

          6 months ago

          Seriously, bruh. I HATE having boobs. It's heavy, I basically have two three pound weights on me 24/7 that I can't take off, and I'm bullied for being lesbian and liking science and math

      • 11


        7 years ago

        Is this even a question. I want to do this every day. :P

        • 1


          11 months ago

          Something smells like eggs

      • 10

        Diggy Smalls

        7 years ago

        Are you kidding...with what I know, if I was a chick, I would rule the world.

      • 9


        4 years ago

        BRUH!!?!?!!??! It's almost like all the boys who want to be girls only want to to be able to have BOOBS!?! WTF MAN!!! I would just RATHER be a girl than have a boring life that's all! (In fact,a boring life is the EXACT thing I DON'T want to happen!)

      • 9


        7 years ago

        I'd be a lesbo so it would still work out

      • 8

        Chris VeganMan

        7 years ago

        Think i would be a slut if this came true ;)

      • 7


        7 years ago

        My life is already boring (sigh)

      • 7


        7 years ago

        Not being a woman? Never.

      • 6


        7 years ago

        How is this an option?!? Hello boobs

      • 6


        7 years ago

        wait, having a chance to be both sexes is a bad thing?

      • 6


        7 years ago

        Oh that would be awsome

      • 5


        7 years ago

        Good-bye menstruation!

      • 5


        7 years ago

        its fine if your gay or les

      • 4


        1 year ago

        No hate but I'm transgender. This would solve almost all of my problems-

      • 4


        3 years ago

        Girls privates get feelings 2x that of a male, so I wouldn't mind being a girl.

      • 4

        Grayson Goosey Mille

        7 years ago

        Born as a baby genius? Fuck yeah, I don't even care about the gender part, but at least I could enjoy my body.

      • 4


        7 years ago

        I've wondered what it would feel like on the receiving end

      • 4


        7 years ago

        I've always thought my life might be a little better if I was a guy.

        • 1

          Idiot #17

          4 years ago

          Well, if it happened, you WOULD be happier....for reasons...EXEPT-- okay i wont get weird with this

      • 3

        Bad Decision Maker

        1 year ago

        Girls Have Better Friendships and Stuff Than Guys, So It Would Be Interesting

      • 3


        1 year ago

        i'd just play with my boobs

      • 3


        2 years ago


      • 2

        Alice Bergman

        6 months ago

        I want to be a guy. I'm a lesbian and am fucking HATED for it. I like math and science and my classmates bully me because I'm a GIRL who likes it. If I were a man. . . well, I would be straight, and would be more socially accepted for who I am.

      • 3


        3 years ago

        I would like to be a boy

      • 3


        4 years ago

        My life is already boring so I don't care.

      • 3

        Batman Fan

        6 years ago

        Either way I'll still be pretty badass.

      • 3


        6 years ago

        I wanna know how it is to pee like a boy...

        • 2

          Idiot #17

          4 years ago

          you stand up.take off pants.hold dong.aim dong.pee.pull pants back up.Yeah.

      • 3

        Robert Chu

        7 years ago

        I'm a guy now I know all the tricks and wont fall for it

      • 3

        Giovanni Oliver

        7 years ago

        I could not stay sane with a boring life O__O at least as a girl I could have some excitement

      • 3


        7 years ago

        This'll prove to be an interesting experience

      • 3


        7 years ago

        ive already been doing that and will prolly continue .___.

      • 1


        2 months ago


      • 1


        2 months ago


      • 1


        2 months ago

        you motherfucker

      • 1


        2 months ago

        fuck being a baby

      • 1


        2 months ago

        No, but like, I would LOVE to be a guy and have all my memories!

      • 1


        2 months ago

        No catches if you're trans

      • 1


        2 months ago

        Yea i always wondered what it would be like to be a boy

      • 1


        2 months ago

        being a girl would be much better. sure, being a girl has its cons but they're mostly treated like royalty these days. Y'all have periods, sure, but at least you don't have to rush to the bathroom when you get turned on. You don't get pushed into your assigned role as much as men. We are expected to be leading and all that crap. Women now can be as feminine as they want and as masculine as they want. In first world countries, being a female has its privileges. For example, they can flirt and that's okay. If men flirt, they get called "pervy".Feminists already have what they want: Women being respected.If a woman hits a man, people will just gasp. If a man hits a woman, he better start running. Believe it or not, men also get trapped in abusive relationships but we don't talk so much about it because we would be considered weak. Those problems aren't for women, they're for humans as a whole.Men can be raped too, you know? And people consider them weak when that happens to them. At school, you have more chances of becoming popular. You can do whatever you want as a girl. You don't have expectation to meet so be happy about that. Don't think being a man is so great because it's not. Plus, many women are already in powerful positions. If you were to complain from places where it's harder to be a woman (second/third world countries), I'd get it, but you are mostly all from america or places like that.Some people will say women should be less than men. I strongly disagree with that, obviously, but people with those sorts of opinons will always be around, no matter how much you fight. It's the same with racisim. People have insulted me for having darker skin and we've been fighting to have equal rights since forever. It's not right, but that's reality for you.

      • 1


        2 months ago


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