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Definition of can
(Entry 1 of 5)
1a : be physically or mentally able to He can lift 200 pounds.
b : know how to She can read.
c —used to indicate possibilityDo you think he can still be alive?Those things can happen. —sometimes used interchangeably with may
d : be inherently able or designed to everything that money can buy
e : be enabled by law, agreement, or custom to Congress can declare war.
f : be permitted by conscience or feeling to can hardly blame her
g : be made possible or probable by circumstances to He can hardly have meant that.
h : be logically or axiologically able to 2 + 2 can also be written 3 + 1.
2 : have permission to —used interchangeably with mayYou can go now if you like.
archaic : to have knowledge or skill
noun plural cans
Definition of can (Entry 2 of 5)
1 : a usually cylindrical receptacle:
a : a container (as of tinplate) in which products (such as perishable foods) are hermetically sealed for preservation until use a can of beans
b : a usually metal typically cylindrical receptacle usually with an open top, often with a removable cover, and sometimes with a spout or side handles (as for holding liquid or trash)
c : a jar for packing or preserving fruit or vegetables
d : a vessel for holding liquids specifically : a drinking vessel … in his hand did bear a boozing can … — Edmund Spenser
e : a recessed lighting fixture Augment natural light with recessed cans in the ceiling, sconces on side walls, or a table lamp on a shelf …— Jill Connors
3 informal
a : toilet sitting on the can
b : bathroom sense 1 He locked himself in the can and wouldn't come out.
6 informal : headphone —usually pluralYou don't realize just how noisy it is inside a plane until you put on a good pair of noise-cancelling headphones … . I generally leave the noise-cancelling cans on even when I'm not listening to anything at all—the relative quiet makes a long trip less stressful.— Steven Morgenstern
in the can
of a film or videotape : completed and ready for release
verb (2)canned; canning
Definition of can (Entry 3 of 5)
1a : to put in a can : preserve by sealing in airtight cans or jars can tomatoes
b : to hit (a golf shot) into the cup
c : to hit (a shot) in basketball
2 : to discharge from employment got canned for being late so often
3 slang : to put a stop or end to were told to can the chatter
abbreviation (1)Definition of can (Entry 4 of 5)
1 canceled; cancellation
2 cannon
3 canto
abbreviation (2)variants: or Canad
Definition of Can (Entry 5 of 5)
Canada; Canadian
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The first known use of can was before the 12th century
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