Journey through your DNA.
Journey through your DNA.
Experience your ancestry in a whole new way.
get ancestryGet ancestry for USD$99
Find out what your DNA says about you and your family.
- See how your DNA breaks out across 1500+ regions worldwide
- Discover DNA relatives from around the world
- Share reports with family and friends
- Learn how your DNA influences your facial features, taste, smell and other traits
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23 pairs of chromosomes.
One unique you.
Start experiencing your 23 pairs
of chromosomes.

You are made of cells. And the cells in your body have 23 pairs of chromosomes. Yourchromosomes are made of DNA, which can tell you a lot about you. Explore your 23 pairstoday.
How it works.
It's just saliva.
Provide your saliva sample from home. Mail it back to our lab in the same kit itcame in—the postage is pre-paid.
We bring your genetics to you.

Our lab. CLIA-certified.
Your DNA analysis is performed in US laboratories that are certified to meet CLIAstandards—the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments of 1988.
A CLIA-certified lab must meet certain quality standards, including qualificationsfor individuals who perform the test and other standards that ensure the accuracyand reliability of results.
We use leading technology to genotype your DNA—a custom version of the lllumina Global Screening Array.
Customer Stories.Genetic Journeys.
We hear from thousands of customers around the world who write in to tell us abouttheir 23andMe experience—and the impact it has had on their life.
Hi. Still have questions?
Here are just a few of the things people frequently ask about 23andMe.
If you don't see your question here,get in touch with us.
23andMe was founded in 2006 to help people access, understand and benefitfrom the human genome.
We have more than five million genotyped customers around the world.
Due to applicable regulations, 23andMe only offers an Ancestry + TraitsPersonal Genetic Service in international markets and health reports arenot available. The service is in English only. It requires submitting asaliva sample using our saliva collection kit that you send to the labfor analysis.
Our Ancestry + Traits Service helps you understand who you are, where yourDNA comes from and your family story. We analyze, compileand distill your DNA information into reports on your Ancestry Composition,Ancestry Detail Reports, Traits, Haplogroups, and Neanderthal Ancestry.We also provide a DNA Relatives tool to enable you to connect with relativeswho share similar DNA, and an automatic Family Tree builder.
Our rigorous quality standards include:
- All saliva samples are processed in CLIA-certified and CAP-accredited labs
- Genotyping is a well-established and reliable platform for analyzing DNA
- Our team of scientists and medical experts uses a robust process to developreports to ensure validity
- Your personalized reports are based on well-established scientific research
- Ancestry percentages are derived from our powerful, well-tested system thatprovides you with ancestry estimates down to the 0.1%
You choose how your genetic information is used and shared with others. Wetell you how those choices are implemented and how we collect, use anddisclose your information.
- We will not share your individual-level information with any third partywithout your explicit consent
- We have been long-time supporters of legislative efforts intended to preventgenetic discrimination and to safeguard individuals' genetic privacy and willnot provide your information or results to employers or health insurance companies.In the US, we were active in the development of the Genetic InformationNondiscrimination Act (GINA) enacted in 2008. In addition, we were an activesupporter of S-201 in Canada
- We have guidelines and policies in place to protect the personal informationof children as well as incapacitated or deceased individuals
- We do not provide information to law enforcement unless we are requiredto comply with a valid subpoena or a court-ordered request