Find a clearer path to college, earlier
Earn micro‑scholarships from colleges for your achievements as early as 9th grade
How RaiseMe works

1. Add Your Achievements
Add your course grades, clubs, sports, volunteer activities, and more to your portfolio.

2. Earn Scholarships
For each achievement, you'll earn scholarships from colleges, which you'll be awarded when you attend that college.

3. Discover Colleges
Follow colleges you want to learn more about and find which ones are the best fit for you.
How one high schooler made $80K (without getting a job)
February 29th, 2016
Abby Saxastar raised $80,000 on [RaiseMe], which will fully cover her tuition at Stetson University, a private college in central Florida. "I've always been very successful in school and I've also done a lot of volunteer work," said Saxastar. "But I still had to figure out how to pay for college."
Got an A in Algebra? That's Worth $120
February 20th, 2016
By highlighting and rewarding certain academic and extracurricular activities, [RaiseMe] helps level the college playing — and paying — field for low-income students who may not receive the same kind of parental advice at home as their higher-income peers.
Startup Lets High Schoolers Earn Scholarships By Caring For Family Members
September 13th, 2016
With its new "family assistance scholarships," [RaiseMe] is hoping to enable a growing movement among selective colleges to recognize contributions by low-income students — those who are often shut out of the traditional college admissions horserace because of family obligations and limited opportunities.