The following 20 entries include the term into.
beat (into)
verbas in drive (into)
bop (into)
verbas in happen (by)
burrow (into)
verbas in excavate, gouge
burst (in or into)
verbas in barge (in), breeze (in)
crash (into)
verbas in collide (with)
delve (into)
verbto search through or into
dig (into)
verbto search through or into
dip (into)
verbas in turn over, speed-read
dive (into)
verbto start work on energetically
drive (into)
verbas in beat (into)
enter (into or upon)
verbto take the first step in (a process or course of action)
factor (in or into)
verbto give consideration to (as unexpected circumstances or contingencies)
factor (in or into or out)
verbas in allow (for), figure in
fit (in or into)
verbto put among or between others
foray (into)
verbto enter for conquest or plunder
give in (to)
verbas in submit (to), succumb (to)
inquire (into)
verbto search through or into
lace (into)
verbas in blame, criticize
look (into)
verbto search through or into
luck (out, on, onto, or into)
verbas in hit (upon), pitch (upon)
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